Since Mary Ann's passing on April 17, 2003 many individuals, groups and organization have paid tribute to her in many ways. From the day of the funeral to honors in Washington D.C. Some have made personal sacrifices and given of themselves in her name, others have donated time and money, while still more simply think about her and honor her within themselves. We salute those that have made the effort to keep MaryAnn in their lives and in the lives of those around them. The photos below are just a small portion of those that honor her and all of those in law enforcement. To all of you we say thank you.
On the 3rd anniversary of the tragic event, the residents
of Fair Lawn unveiled a memorial stone on the grounds of the churh where it
The stone shows her badge and patch. It is also engraved with her quote from
the back of her police trading card
"Set your goals high, work hard and believe in yourself and you can be
whatever you want"
Fair Lawn renamed the street that
runs adjacent to police headquarters to Collura Avenue.
In 2006, the Fair Lawn Auxilary Police redesigned their uniform shoulder patch. The new design includes the number 136 in purple stitching to rememberMaryAnn who started her law enforcement career as an auxillary police officer before joining the main force. Pictured below is the Auxillary Police Chief presenting a plaque with the new patch to MaryAnn's mother.
On June 5, 2004 President George W. Bush signed into law
a bill that will designate the Fair Lawn Post Office on
Abbott Road as the Mary
Ann Collura Post Office. Click here
to see the actual press release from the White House.
On November 1, 2004 the Fair Lawn Post Office (Radburn) was
officially designated as the Mary Ann Collura Post Office. Pictured above are
family, friends and dignitaries on hand for the event, as well as a commemorative
envelope that was issued on site the day of ceremony
On May 13, 2004 Mary Ann was officially honored with the placement
of her name on the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial in Washington
Click here for information and photos.
Local Honors and Tributes
On May 19, 2004, Bergen County honored Mary Ann by naming the Police Pistol
Range at the
Bergen County Law & Public Safety Institute in her memory.
Nam Nights Motorcycle Club honor Mary Ann with
a plaque and ceremony at the
National Police Officer's Memorial in Washington D.C. in 2003
A portion of the thousands of assembled officer outside of the
church for the funeral
Honor Guards from departments across the country lined up to
honor Mary Ann outside of the church
Motor officers and a sole mount make a statement of respect and
Mulitple Pipes and Drum units participated in paying our respects.
The procession was led by the
Police Pipes and Drums of Bergen County
Peter Prince of Fair Lawn wrote a song about Mary Ann called
the Ultimate Sacrifice.
Our Photo Salute to those Motor Officers that
Honored Mary Ann
Motor Pages A-L Motor
Pages M-S Motor Pages
A collection of photos and information of
those that have and continue
to honor MaryAnn and in turn all of law enforcement
Honor and Tributes Photo Page
Photo Memories of Mary Ann
Photo Page #1 Photo
Page #2 Photo Page #3
Photo Page #4 Photo
Page #5 Photo Page #6
Photo Page #7 Photo Page #8 Main Page